"There cannot be a stressful crisis next week. My schedule is already full."
This quote pretty much says it all! Thank God for little miracles though, because today class was canceled, and our med/surg/OR clinicals don't start until October 22nd, so we have Thursday and Friday off as well. Woo Hoo! I can't begin to tell you how pleased I am, because it is a much needed break. Our health promotions final exam is this coming Monday, so I've been studying all day for that. A few friends and I are having a study group tomorrow, and I am sure that will be helpful for each of us. I'm not big into the group study setting, but it's something I tend not to do very often, so I figure, what could be the harm in going? In between though, I have to also study for my Adv. AnP lecture exam which is this Saturday, and prepare for the start of my new theory class and clinical. So much to do, so little time! My cousin is home on leave, he just got back from Iraq in mid-September, so him and I are going to see the movie "Where The Wild Things Are" this Saturday evening. I'm looking forward to it; it looks like an adorable movie! I also want to see that movie Surrogates, and Gamer one of these days as well. I don't go to see movies very often. In fact, the last movie I seen in theatre was Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen! But that's because I am a huge nerd and I absolutely LOVE Transformers! I'm 22, but I am such a kid at heart. Not much else has been going on here. We got our first heavy snow of the season two days ago, and it snowed like hell. It didn't stay on the ground very long though, thank God... so far I should say! I enjoyed doing some photography over the past week. I really enjoy it, especially with my mom's new camera (even though I pretty much steal it all the time, hehe). Here they are, enjoy!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Today is officially our last day of OB clinicals. We just go in for our student-instructor evaluation, but I already know I got an "A." It really flew by fast, and I went into the clinical thinking this would be an area I wouldn't like, but I was wrong. In fact, I really grew to love it and I could definitely picture myself becoming an OB nurse! Yesterday was our last day on the unit and boy did we go out with a bang. 2 C-sections, 2 labor and deliveries and 4 inductions. We were booming. That was all in between the fire alarm, the staff shortage and a very interesting delivery. It was also a day to remember in the record book...I got sprayed with cord blood, marking the last bodily fluid I had to be contaminated with. I got to give lots of shots too, and that is always fun! We start our Med/Surg and OR clinicals October 22nd, so next week we have Thursday and Friday off, woo hoo. A much deserved and needed break. It's going to be a busy weekend. My cousin is coming home on leave today, he's flying in at 4:30pm from Alaska. He just got back from his tour of duty in Iraq mid-September. Saturday I have an Adv.AnP lab exam, Monday I have my last health promotions theory lecture exam, Wednesday is our promo final exam, and next Saturday is our second Adv. AnP lecture exam. That's not counting all the homework that's due in between! For Adv. AnP our lab exams are usually tested on the cadavers and models. Seeing as not many of us have time to attend open lab, they decided to FINALLY allow us to photograph the models, but of course not the cadavers due to privacy laws.
Here's a couple pictures of the models. The cost runs between $2-8,000 per model, depending on the detail and the manufacturer! And of course that comes from our tuition, so you can see why college costs a lot, lol. Speaking of outrageous, the weathermen are predicting the first snow flakes for Monday! Snow, ALREADY! Augh! Where's fall? It must have been in one hell of a hurry, because it came, stopped, and went all in one day! I suppose, I must be heading out now, lots to do, little time to do it.