Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Nearing the End

Monday was a great day, so it is only logical that Tuesday sucked, right? Yes! What a screwy day it was/is. It is still Tuesday for another 11 minutes. Well, although it was a crappy day, some good did come out of it. I got the confirmation that I have been re-entered into the nursing program for the Fall semester, woo hoo! And also, I finished my psych life application paper, which is due Wednesday...tomorrow. There is just so much to do this week it's insane to try and keep everything straight. I'm still holding my grades strong, yay! Sometimes I wonder how I am able to even manage remembering where I'm going each morning, let alone maintaining straight A's and B's.

You know what I really hate...I hate when dreams feel so real. Nightmares actually. I *HATE* how real nightmares can feel sometimes, then you wake up and feel mortified for the rest of the day until the feeling passes. That's what started the morning for me today. And it's nearly midnight and once again here I am, wide awake typing an online journal that nobody reads. I don't even know why I keep a blog anyways. I keep a written journal as well. I write a lot. I just *HAVE* to write to stay sane. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't...but at least I can say I tried!

I talked to my friend Andrew today, it was so great hearing from him. He was recently deployed for his first tour of duty. To be honest, I didn't think I would miss him as much as I do. That reminds me of an article I read on CNN.com today..."500,000 expected to flee before Pakistan offensive." "The government sent out an evacuation order ahead of an expected military offensive in the Taliban-dominated region." What happened to the element of surprise???? No wonder we've been in Iraq for SIX FUCKING YEARS!!!! Un-fricken-beleivable. The power of stupidity never ceases to amaze me...


Diane said...

I read your blog :P

Galaxy Echo said...

Woo hoo, one customer! :D

Easily Lost said...

patience is a virtue, it takes months before you start getting regular readers.